AMD's Project Win: A Misunderstanding

Last week AMD announced layoffs that impacted 10% of its workforce. A disproportionate number of those AMDers were apparently from the marketing and PR groups, but even engineering was...

27 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/9/2011

Intel Haswell Info: Single Chip for Ultrabooks, GT3 GPU for Mobile, LGA-1150 for Desktop

VR-Zone spotted a bunch of very interesting slides about Haswell over at Chiphell. The slides and information both look fairly believable so let's get with the analyzing shall we? Haswell...

38 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/9/2011

OWC Mercury Aura Pro Express 6G Review: A Fast MacBook Air SSD Upgrade

I've written previously about the SSD lottery you play when you buy a new MacBook Air. As with many commodity components, Apple sources its SSDs from two sources. For...

40 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/9/2011
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NVIDIA's Tegra 3 Launched: Architecture Revealed

Originally announced in February of this year at MWC, NVIDIA is finally officially launching its next-generation SoC. Previously known under the code name Kal-El, the official name is Tegra...

94 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/9/2011

ASUS' Transformer Prime Detailed: Quad-Core Tegra 3 Tablet

Alongside NVIDIA's last remaining architecture disclosures about Tegra 3, ASUS is revealing more information about the world's first Tegra 3 tablet. The Prime is much thinner than its predecessor...

26 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/9/2011

LaCie Little Big Disk (240GB SSD) Review

A week ago we published our review of the first sub-$1000 Thunderbolt drive enclosure: LaCie's Little Big Disk. Armed with a pair of 2.5" hard drives, the Little Big...

24 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/8/2011

A Quick Look at MSI's X79 Motherboards

Sandy Bridge E is right around the corner and the amount of Socket-2011 related emails we're getting is going up. The latest is from MSI - we got an...

16 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/7/2011

Some Thoughts on the Impact of AMD's Layoffs on the Future of AMD GPUs

Here's something I'm concerned about. AMD's Carrell Killebrew, part of yesterday's announced layoffs, was a Director of Product Planning for AMD's GPU division. His job, at least as he...

48 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/4/2011

AMD Implements Cost Cutting Workforce Reduction, Carrell Killebrew is Out

I had a feeling I was going to have to write a post like this after I published that Rick Bergman left AMD. Those of you who remember the...

20 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/4/2011

Gigabyte Shows off Simplified "3D BIOS" Interface for X79 UEFI

We are getting closer to the launch of Sandy Bridge E and Intel's motherboard partners are eager to get out some early press about their motherboards. We saw a...

27 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/4/2011

Seagate's New Barracuda 3TB (ST3000DM001) Review

Platter density has been the crutch of hard drive makers in recent history. Increasing spindle speeds can reduce random access latency, but at the expense of cost and thermals...

77 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/2/2011

The LSI SandForce Acquisition: Anand's Thoughts

I'd almost given up hope that someone would acquire SandForce. After taking so long to fix the infamous BSOD issue and our own interests beginning to shift away to...

22 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/2/2011

Seagate Introduces New 1TB-Per-Platter Barracuda, Solid State Hybrid Version Coming

Yesterday Seagate had three members of its Barracuda family of 3.5" hard drives: the Barracuda Green, Barracuda, and Barracuda XT. Today, all three lines are being folded under the...

37 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 11/1/2011

Apple iPhone 4S: Thoroughly Reviewed

History loves to repeat itself, and even Apple isn’t immune to the yearly cycle of rumor and release. Leading to each year’s iPhone refresh, excitement, rumors, and hype build...

201 by Anand Lal Shimpi & Brian Klug on 10/31/2011

LaCie Little Big Disk (2TB) Review: More Affordable Thunderbolt Storage

Thunderbolt is the absolute fastest consumer interface available for users who want high-speed external storage. We proved this in our Pegasus R6 review where we sustained transfer rates of...

40 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 10/31/2011

LSI Announces Agreement to Acquire SandForce

For much of the past year I've been hearing SandForce wanted to be bought. The price? $300M - $400M. A bit too rich for OCZ's blood, but a figure...

27 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 10/26/2011

Nokia Lumia 800 & 710, Windows Phones Announced

Just seven months after announcing its intention to move to Windows Phone, Nokia unveiled its first WP based devices: the Lumia 800 and 710. Both feature the same Qualcomm applications...

61 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 10/26/2011

ASUS Zenbook (UX21) Review

Tablets have introduced a number of great features that are currently without equal in the notebook space. They are ultra light, extremely responsive, have tremendous battery life and are...

109 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 10/22/2011

OCZ's Octane SSD: Indilinx Everest, Up to 1TB in a Consumer Drive

In March, OCZ signed a definitive agreement to acquire Indilinx, the SSD controller company that pretty much dominated the value segment in 2009 before Intel got aggressive on pricing...

58 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 10/20/2011

Samsung Focus S & Flash: Official Images, 1.4GHz Mango Devices Shipping This Fall

The one area Microsoft hasn't touched while upgrading Windows Phone has been the SoC requirements. The platform launched with 65nm Qualcomm Snapdragon SoCs featuring the quite-slow Adreno 200 GPU...

13 by Anand Lal Shimpi on 10/19/2011

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