HP L2335: Low Response Time and High Resolution LCD
by Kristopher Kubicki on July 8, 2005 7:00 AM EST- Posted in
- Displays
Cable Management, Pivot, Stand
The HP L2335 doesn't win any awards for looks when it isn't turned on. The depth of the LCD leaves something to be desired and the drab silver bezel reminds us of a circa 1998 HP desktop. Form follows function when it comes to computer components (unless you're Apple), and even though the monitor isn't the most attractive thing that we've seen, it still has enormous potential in performance.
All of the component, composite and s-video connectors plug in via a hatch on the side. HP would have scored some bonus points by including Firewire or USB inputs on the display, but we won't hold them against it.
Our only real surprise in this review came when attempting to pivot the display. Unlike Dell, Samsung, LG, Sony and virtually any other display manufacturer that makes a pivoting display, pivoting the L2335 is a counter-clockwise operation. It actually took us a few minutes to catch on this small detail. Furthermore, the 23" screen is very large; it takes a bit of muscle to rotate and tilt this display. Almost to add insult to injury, there is no clearance to pivot this monitor when the stand is at its lowest height, so that too must be adjusted in order to pivot the display. Portrait mode was an interesting concept when LCD displays could only do 1280x1024 resolutions, but pivoting the L2335 makes almost no sense to us; there just aren't that many applications where you would need 1920 vertical pixels. Personally, opening two 900x1200 terminals side by side for paging is a more elegant and practical solution.
Like virtually every LCD that we've seen in the last 5 years, the HP L2335 panel is removable in the event that you'd want to replace it with a VESA compatible arm or wall mount.
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svi - Friday, July 8, 2005 - link
>>Widescreen gaming is the only way to play IMO.>>But most engines stretch or clip a 4:3 picture to produce widescreen output. Source is an exception, and a big one, but you can't make a generalization like that based on a single case where widescreens are better.
MadAd - Friday, July 8, 2005 - link
Finally!!! The L2335 gets to Anandtech, I gave up asking for a review.BUT, now you have acknowleged that widescreen gaming is here to stay, will you now do some video benchmarks at 1920x1200 for current top line videocards PLEASE!
Can anyone say SLI? Do the latest PE's cut it at 1920x? Noone else can tell us, comeon help us out here.
Its not as if you dont have the screens now ;-)
Pastuch - Friday, July 8, 2005 - link
I bought my Dell 2005fpw about 2 weeks before Anand reviewed it. I even have the same location and manufacturing date as the monitor they used in their review. I am more than happy with it. I think my Dell 2005fpw is probably my best hardware purchase in the last 3 years. I paid $682 Canadian for my Dell 2005fpw after taxes and shipping. That is 30% less than any comparable LCD in its size range, widescreen or not. Prior to owning my Dell 2005fpw I had a Samsung 1200NF and a Samsung 900nf. The NF series from Samsung are my favorite CRTs other than NEC/Mitsu and I still dont think they can compare to the 2005fpw. Widescreen gaming is the only way to play IMO.arswihart - Friday, July 8, 2005 - link
Also, this monitor was out more than a year earlier than the Dell 2405."
How true, just another countless example of how Anandtech readers are some of the dumbest asses around. If Anandtech hasn't reviewed it, it doesn't exist apparently, for a lot of Anandtech devotees.
Honestly I'd never heard of the monitor either, but obviously this monitor has been out for a damn long time, and its about time Anandtech did a review of it.
KristopherKubicki - Friday, July 8, 2005 - link
Houdani: Ah, I submitted my image of Max Payne but I think I had the naked patch on Mona --- probably why it isn't in the article :-XYeah I dunno what I was thinking with UltraSync, that's fixed. It's been a long week. :(
Houdani - Friday, July 8, 2005 - link
Overall, a very nice review. Makes me wish I had the moola for either the 2405FPW or the L2335.Are you hiding a screen cap for Max Payne 2 somewhere (page 7)?
And props to 17 for pointing out why "UltraSynch" just didn't sound right.
Capt Caveman - Friday, July 8, 2005 - link
#19Also, this monitor was out more than a year earlier than the Dell 2405.
Capt Caveman - Friday, July 8, 2005 - link
#19How are they the same thing???? Did you read the review?
The reviewer wrote that the L2335 has a better screen than the Dell 2405.
Plus, the L2335 isn't for the average customer as it's listed as Business Monitor. If you go to HP's website, you can't find it under Home and Home Office LCDs. It's actually been upgraded to be the f2304 w/ speakers and is to be used as a MCE display.
Questar - Friday, July 8, 2005 - link
"HP needs hooked on phonics...going the way of gateway, cept gateway at least mattered at one point"Huh? The second largest computer company in the world doesn't matter?
Questar - Friday, July 8, 2005 - link
" Unfortunately I don't think any LCD could really stand up to a CRT as far as response time (since there isn't any on a CRT) "Techinically no, but there is phosphor persistance.