In the usual Intel fashion, it had systems based on Nehalem and Dunnington up and running live demos:

Above we have a one socket, 4 core (8 thread) Nehalem system running a custom graphics demo:


Intel avoided running any real benchmarks most likely to prevent us drawing any early conclusions. Clock speeds weren't reported, but given the transistor counts of Nehalem we'd expect similar clocks to what we've seen with Penryn.

Here we have a two socket Nehalem system, that's 8 cores, 16 threads:

A Little on Larrabee
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  • ocyl - Tuesday, March 18, 2008 - link

    It appears that Intel views this not necessarily from a perspective of technology / end product, but one of foundry. There is nothing wrong with it, however; it's just a bit odd at first and takes some time in getting used to.
  • Che - Monday, March 17, 2008 - link

    Wow, 16 threads! Got to hand it to Intel, they are on top of their game for sure.
  • Griswold - Tuesday, March 18, 2008 - link

    Now all we need is a (desktop) windows that can actually do something good with 8 logical (or more) cores.

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