Media Performance

We will take a brief look at general media performance with Adobe Photoshop Elements 6.0. Our test is one recommended by Intel, but the test itself is fair and results are very repeatable. This test simply measures the amount of time required to fix and optimize 103 different photos weighing in at 63MB. We report results in seconds, with lower times indicating better performance.

Photoshop Elements Performance

There is only a 1% difference between the chipsets with the 780a slightly edging out the 790FX in this CPU/Memory intensive benchmark. We attribute the differences to BIOS tuning although the 780G scoring measurably lower than the 790FX surprised us.

Media Encoding Performance

We are utilizing Nero Recode 2, DivX 6.8, and Windows Media Encoder x64 for our video encoding tests. The scores listed include the full encoding process represented in seconds, with lower numbers indicating better performance.


Nero Recode 2

Our first series of tests is quite easy - we take our original Office Space DVD and use AnyDVD to rip the full DVD to the hard drive without compression, thus providing an almost exact duplicate of the DVD. We then fire up Nero Recode 2, select our Office Space copy on the hard drive, and perform a shrink operation to allow the entire movie along with extras to fit on a single 4.5GB DVD disc. We leave all options on their defaults except we uncheck the advanced analysis option.

Nero Recode 2

DivX 6 Converter

Our second test has us using DivX Converter to encode a 23MB AVI file into a pleasing 1080P DivX format for playback.

DivX 6.8 Encode

Windows Media Encoder x64

Our final test consists of using Windows Media Encoder's advanced video profile to encode a 128MB WMV file into one suitable for progressive download across our Web server.

Windows Media Encoder 9

Encoding Summary

Our CPU intensive encoding tests did not generate a clear-cut winner. Once again, the differences between all of the chipsets are minor at best. We recommend when purchasing a board based on these chipsets that you chose it based on features and support as the scores just do not justify another decision.

General Chipset Performance - PCMark Vantage Audio, File Compression & 3D Rendering Performance
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  • SiliconDoc - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 - link

    Maybe I'm the only one, but I'm so sick of every new PC component having a global warming psychotic power consumption "feature set", as if any of we end users actually give a d-a- you know what.
    Heck, maybe I'm lone gunman here, but it really makes me sick, over and over again, as if I'd buy their piece of crap because they have some wattage bean counter going gaga about their lower power requirements.
    Hey, here's an idea. STOP GAMING, lower yer rezz, use a tiny 13 inch monitor, and put monitor sleep mode to kick on in one minute.
    Better yet, shut your system off, you're wasting the earth, and get outside for heat from the sun or put on a wool sweater, or dunk ter head in the creek if you're too warm.
    Who are they fooling ? They're pushing 1,000 watt PS's, then we have to hear this beanny watt counter crud. Yeah, right after the Q6600, 4 HD's, 2 DVD's, memory card readers, dual monitor outputs, ohhh.. and make sure you got a 700 watt plus supergigajiggawatt or she might not run.....
    I for one would just like to say, to noone and nobody in particular, go take a green time out.
    PS- this article is no more or less green than any other, so it isn't a target. I guess it's clear this is a power surge and perhaps an overload. Well, good!
  • Donkey2008 - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 - link

    You are absolutely right, especially the application of this technology to notebooks, which is pure insanity. Why would I care if my laptop could switch from discrete to integrated GPU to save battery power and provide me another hour or so of use? I am trying to destroy the earth so I want as little battery life as possible so I can plug it in and use more resources.

    As for desktops, those crazy tree-huggers want you to use less power so that your systems run more efficient and PUT OUT LESS HEAT. This would be a complete waste for those who dropped several hundred dollars for water-cooling and giant, ridiculous, circus clown heatsinks. This isn't even mentioning the enviro-psychos who like to use their computer as a floor heater in winter.

    How about you take your finger out of your nose because it is clearly in too far and blocking your brain from releasing any common sense.
  • SiliconDoc - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 - link

    Why stop at that, you need the wind up power notebook, like the ones selling for the 3rd world. No plugging in and no charging any battery except by turning the crank handle.
    If you're gaming on a battery, it's not just your finger up your nose, but likely your neighbors as well, to hold it up so high. Where are you that you cannot plug in ... up in that airplane ... saving all that jet fuel ?... or did you drive your Yugo to some way out park to hack, away from civilization, also an energy saver, no doubt. Have fun disposing of the polluting battery, too.

    Desktops: If your system is putting out so much heat that you need to run a refrigerator to "cool just the system down", you certainly are not "saving" any power either.. DUH.
    Gigantic heatsinks (and their gargantuan fans)are power-hungry users trying to crank out the last bit of mhz, often with voltage increases, huh ... DUH. Maybe the jet engine they replaced was a cheap sleeve bearing, but they didn't "save power".

    Not sure exactly what the donkey you were trying to say, since you didn't make any sense, but then, that's what it's all about, huh. Preening your green self while wildly flailing about and praising the gigantic power (savings ? lol ) drain you are, anyway - while firing up the 250 watt triple 3d sli maxxed super whomper game.

    I think if you had any common sense, you'd "get it".

  • The Jedi - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 - link

  • zander55 - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 - link

    Why on is ESA only available on the highest end model? Nvidia wants the industry to adopt and implement it into their hardware but won't even put it into their own stuff?
  • crimsonson - Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - link

    I don't understand why so many pages and charts are devoted to pure performance for motherboards. Unless there is physical flaw or bad drivers, performance between these motherboards are normally next to nil!
    I understand stability, overclocking, and power consumption. But looking at these charts a lot of them are minuscule difference that often can be explained by settings, other components or bad drivers. I am not saying bench testing are not useful. But I don't think it is necessary to view dozens of charts with no or little difference. In fact, it would make more sense to go in to details where there is a significant difference. I think your attention to detail gets the best of you :D

    My .02

    In general I do think you guys do awesome work.

  • wjl - Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - link

    Right. The benchmarks are not that interesting, and also which IGP runs which game at how many fps more or less is pretty uninteresting - as if the world had only gamers.

    As much as I like the image quality provided by Nvidia products, they're still a no-go if you want open source drivers - and here is much room for improvement. I won't buy (nor sell) any of them unless they follow the good examples of Intel and ATI/AMD.

    So my next mb - which will definitely have an IGP again - will be of the other mentioned makers, depending on whether I need an AMD or an Intel CPU next time.
  • strikeback03 - Thursday, May 8, 2008 - link

    I have to use the restricted drivers on both my desktop (discrete NVIDIA) and laptop (discrete ATi) in Ubuntu.

    And I've never understood the point of windows that wobble.
  • sprockkets - Tuesday, May 6, 2008 - link

    Tru, I love not having to install any drivers for compiz-fusion on my Intel G31 system. It actually runs it better than my 6150 AMD system.

    But, under load with movies and compiz and other stuff graphics wise running, the 6150 doesn't crap out as much.

    Good chipset, waiting for Intel's version. I have been an AMD person for a long time, but, for $70 a 2ghz Pentium Allendale works great for me.

    WTB a gen 2 Shuttle XPC in silver with either the G45 or Intel's. 3ghz Wolfdale will do nicely.
  • wjl - Wednesday, May 7, 2008 - link

    BTW: tried movies (MythTV) together with Compiz, and that really didn't look nice, even on my 6150/430 Nvidia. Only after switching off most or all desktop effects, the picture became more stable...

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