Setup and Startup
As usual, we'll start with a look at the BIOS.

It's bumped up to 3.0 GHz

Ah, here's why…

QPI Voltage guidance

BLCK has been raised, resulting in a 3.0GHz overclocked speed. This is another area we'll point out as different from a standard consumer experience. Everything else is straightforward and not tweaked: this would be an easy point for a technical user to reach in five minutes. Still, as an out-of-box bonus the overclock is nice and shouldn't cause any stability issues. Do note that the overclock is not a standard feature - this was something CyberPower did just for our review sample, though anyone purchasing similar system should be able to do the same with the above BIOS shots.
So what are we greeted with at first boot?
![]() Holy ginormous icons, Batman! |
![]() |

First off, the icons are huge! Holding CTRL and scrolling the mouse, we shrank them down to a smaller, "normal" size. Windows Update is turned on and set to automatic, which we don't like to see on a gaming machine (the "download but let me choose" gives the user a little control). We also set Visual Effects back to "Let Windows choose…", as this is the most common setting for most users and looks nicer.
Processes are at 46 at startup, which is just average, and there isn't any bloatware. The video card drivers were up-to-date at the time of shipping (8.11), and the system was tested at that revision throughout except for Far Cry 2, which was tested with the latest 9.2 drivers (as 8.11 had compatibility issues with FC2 that were patched in later revisions).
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7Enigma - Thursday, March 5, 2009 - link
You clearly are living in another world. Price it out and then come back and talk. I dislike most boutique shops due to overpriced and cheap components, but this is a clear exception. Nothing other than the PATA DVD burner is a bad selection (though the hard drive selected shouldn't be used IMO for this particular build).Looks are subjective, so your attempt at a point is moot. Most people dislike most cases so to each his own.
Sounds like you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, and don't know what you are talking about.
Mikey - Friday, March 6, 2009 - link
Agreed. Sounds like v12v12 is a hater. Anyways, despite components not being as perfect as some would like, it's still, for the most part, composed of excellent components. One isn't going to really notice any different between a PATA and SATA DVD burner. Be practical here...just because it's not the latest tech doesn't make it worse.As for its aesthetics, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. When I used to build computers for people as a side job, I let people select their own case. That was a key component in their satisfaction with the computer, albeit many of their case selections were horrible looking. A case has little to do with overall computer performance, and most people can care less about how it works or how it looks as long as it performs.">option
JarredWalton - Friday, March 6, 2009 - link
I've done the same thing... and I have to say, a few people I tried REALLY hard to talk out of a case selection! But they loved their gaudy, blue glowing lights everywhere case when I was done. I on the other hand did not appreciate working with a cheap case that had sharp edges, but I only had to go in there once.v12v12 - Friday, March 6, 2009 - link
Agreed... and like I said to the above dullards...1) FOR $1500, I don't expect/settle for a cheap (materials/build/finish) ass case (among other things). That's like getting a sports car with a fiberglass body for $50,000. Or a $200,000 house with cheap aluminum siding — MOST people do not want that cheap junk for that kind of money. That's a "point," if you didn't catch it?
2) Again you 2 don't seem to get the gist of it: For that kind of money, for "pre-built" sys — people ought to expect better components than a clunky-Pata, air flow disrupting, unsightly cable, along with an antiquated interface bus, based DVD burner! Duh?
Lastly... it sounds as if you 2 cannot debate my points Vs talking unrelated trash. "Hater?" Oh so now the tone is set that anyone that disagrees, regardless of providing valid points, is suddenly brushed off and negatively labeled... Sorry Sophomores, but that arguement doesn't hold validity nor weight...
Go back to school and please learn how to properly debate an issue Vs talking out of your arse. Ball is in your court — apparently you've been double-dribbling and carrying-on nonsense. I can come down to your nonsensical level if that's what it takes to effectively communicate with either of you. Hows that for "hating?" Touche.
strikeback03 - Monday, March 9, 2009 - link
You also apparently hate the Corvette, as you have attempted to bash it twice. That's fine if you actually own something powered by a v12, quite another if you are driving a Supra (or worse, a Civic).mrubermonkey - Wednesday, March 4, 2009 - link
I am surprised you did not take the liberty of down clocking the system to specifications that are covered under warranty, but whatever.strikeback03 - Wednesday, March 4, 2009 - link
I would assume their warranty covers it in the as-delivered condition, anyone have any evidence to refute that?Matt Campbell - Wednesday, March 4, 2009 - link
As I mentioned in the article, this was a custom setting for the review system (note the "Anandtech" profile in the BIOS pictures). I did consider underclocking the system to default levels, but chose to test as received and point out the difference. (I also considered overclocking it farther, with this MB/cooler it's quite likely the system could have hit 3.6 GHz.)CyberPower does not cover damage from customer-performed overclocking, which is a pretty standard statement from most suppliers and OEMs. CyberPower does sell Factory Overclocked systems that are covered under warranty, but these are only their higher priced configurations, like the Xtreme XI and Gamer Infinity. So, as with standard aftermarket parts purchases, the buyer is responsible for damage incurred by overclocking.
JerryELbow - Tuesday, March 3, 2009 - link
Based on some reviews here and elsewhere, I'd been thinking about building another computer based on very similar components to what was spec'ed out in this review. Out of curiosity, I went to CyberPowerPC's website and priced out the Gamer Xtreme XT with an EVGA nVidia GTX260 COre 216 instead of the default ATI Radio HD4870X2 and with a Thermaltake W0131RU ToughPower 850 Watt PS instead of the Corsair 650 Watt CMPSU-650TX. I didn't go with the Blu-Ray drive that was in the reviewed box (my 50" Samsung DLP with LED light engine blows away my 24" Samsung 1920 x 1200 LCD display) but I did bump it to 6 Gb of Corsair RAM. The total price seemed pretty reasonable. Then I priced all the components at NewEgg (where I've done a LOT of business over the years - great folks, great prices!) and found that it would cost me nearly $300 MORE to order it in pieces and build it myself! And I wouldn't get the 3-year warranty!Well, I'm geeked to get it now and can't thank the reviewer enough for pointing me their way. On the other hand, I am bummed that I won't be building it myself - I really have fun doing that. Well, at least I can console myself that i'll be scavaging another DVD drive, an X-Fi sound card, an HDTV tuner and maybe a 300 Gb and a 500 Gb SATA II drive from my old box (3-year-old home-made from parts from NewEgg) to drop into the new box.
Now, what to do with the still very functional remains of that old box? I guess maybe my nephew will be getting a new/old PC (Antec case, Antec TruePower II 550 Watt PS, ASUS A8N32-SLI Deluxe 939 mobo, 2 Gb RAM, 320 Gb SATA drive, DVD burner, AMD Athlon 64 X2 4400+ CPU with Zalman 9500A heat sink and GeForce 8800 GTS video card). It'll beat the eMachine he has now!
7Enigma - Thursday, March 5, 2009 - link
That's what I just did. Built a C2D midrange gaming rig (~750 for parts using my existing case/LCD/sound system) and then took the old parts and rebuilt my 939 rig for my dad. He's now happily playing Company of Heroes and that graphics range of games (6800GT for the gpu).Makes a great second computer for general uses that also has enough power to do some photoshop/ripping/encoding duties. I think I spent $50 to rebuild the 939 system as I needed to replace the harddrive on the new rig. The case for the old system is my ancient alienware beige box from 1999. Still works perfectly!