Today seems to be Chromebook announcement day. After Lenovo earlier, ASUS has jumped into the scene with two new models using Intel Bay Trail-M processors. The 11.6-inch C200 and 13.3-inch C300 use the Intel Celeron N2830 CPU, a 7.5W dual core Silvermont part with turbo frequencies up to 2.4 GHz and 1MB of L2 cache. This is the same processor recently announced Bay Trail NUC upgrade. Similarly to the Lenovo models, the ASUS C200/C300 will feature full keyboards and enlarged touchpads with multi-finger gesture support.

Both of these models will feature 802.11 b/g/n out of the box and 802.11ac via a future software update. ASUS is giving these a 10 hour battery life rating, along with a 720p HD camera, a HDMI 1.4 socket, a single USB 2.0 port, a USB 3.0 port, an audio jack and an SD card slot.

Both models will come with 2GB of DRAM and 16GB of internal storage (no clarification if eMMC or other), including 100GB of Google Drive storage for two years. The C200 measures 0.78-inches thick and weighs 2.5lbs, compared to the larger C300 which comes in at 3.1lbs.


Both Chromebooks are expected to begin shipping in North America at the end of June 2014 starting at $250. One would assume that is for the C200 model, given the upgrade in size for the C300.

Source: ASUS

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  • syxbit - Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - link

    I want a Haswell Chromebook w/ 1080p
    The only Chromebook w/ 1080p (apart from the Pixel) is the Samsung.
    I'd like to see benchmarks between the low end Haswell in the Acer, and the Exynos in the new Samsung.
  • winchuff - Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - link

    Don't we ALL want Intel and a 1080p screen? I'd certainly be willing to pay extra for it.
  • psychobriggsy - Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - link

    TBH even a small upgrade over the 1366x768 these have (why even bother getting the 13.3" model - it's heavier and doesn't have improved resolution on that larger screen?) would be appreciated - it doesn't have to be 1920x1080. 1600x900 could be a reasonable compromise if it kept costs down.
  • bsd228 - Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - link

    It's not about the resolution, really. It's about the fact that these 1368x768 screens universally suck. The cheapest choice possible. For a tiny difference, you can get ones that don't. The nearly identical 1440x900 would be fine, with better color/brightness.
  • agent2099 - Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - link

    All any of these chromebooks are missing is a high res screen. That fact that they call these "HD" screens at 1366 is laughable.

    Give me an 11" chromebook with 1080p or higher and add $30-40 to the MSRP and I'll buy one right away.
  • coder543 - Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - link

    1366 x 768 is greater than 1280 x 720... so, yes, it is an HD display. A Full HD display would be nice though.
  • nerd1 - Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - link

    $899 11.6" MBA is also 1366*768....
  • aryonoco - Tuesday, May 6, 2014 - link

    Agreed completely with the comments above. I feel like if anyone comes out with a 13" Chromebook with 1080p display, 4GB of RAM, and a Haswell Celeron and price it around $350, they'll instantly have the best selling laptop on the market.
  • ShieTar - Wednesday, May 7, 2014 - link

    But since $800 Subnotebooks with 1080p display, 4GB of RAM and Haswell core-i3 are selling well enough, nobody is really interested in throwing away profits by bringing out the system described above.
  • dac1319 - Monday, May 12, 2014 - link

    I believe you are looking for this:
    Samsung Chromebook 2 13.3", due out next month.

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